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dc.contributorLingyun CHENGen
dc.contributorLingyun CHENGth
dc.contributor.advisorPensiri Chartniyomen
dc.contributor.advisorเพ็ญสิริ ชาตินิยมth
dc.contributor.otherSilpakorn Universityen
dc.description.abstractLacquer and porcelain intersect in a fascinating moment in China's vibrant artistic heritage. These two mediums have witnessed the flourishing of Chinese history and culture. Despite their profound historical resonance, the perfect fusion of these ancient art forms has yet to be explored in depth. The research objectives are 1) To trace the evolutionary process between lacquer and ceramics, analyze the aesthetic values underlying the artistic features, and understand their cultural and artistic contributions. 2) Achieve a harmonious fusion of lacquer and ceramics through innovative case studies experimenting with modern scientific methods. 3) To design and produce distinctive art products to integrate lacquer and ceramics in a novel way, creating works that emotionally resonate with modern art. This study utilizes a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research techniques. Historical research, case studies, material analysis, and artistic experimentation were combined to explore the fusion of lacquer and ceramics. The test pieces were analyzed using the lacquer film slicing technique, X-ray diffraction powder method, FTIR spectroscopy, and microscopy. They were repeated cycles of experiments that analyzed the optimal parameters for the fusion of the two; color, temperature, gloss, and adhesion. Fieldwork was conducted in Jingdezhen and Nanchang, China, including 10 expert interviews and 3 exhibitions with 182 people’s comments to validate the artistic results produced by this fusion. The results of the study showed that: the best results were obtained when the paint film was cured at 150°C for 50 minutes; the best adhesion was achieved with the Japonica paste, and the fusion was successful when the primer was firmly adhered to the unglazed Jingdezhen porcelain clay. With the application of the new technology, the production cycle of the tea set product was significantly shortened from 60 days to 6 days. The harmonious synergy between lacquer and ceramic; textures, colors, and shapes, was effectively demonstrated. These innovation processes could expand creative horizons. This project promotes the innovation of fusing lacquer and ceramics into traditional crafts spheres. Incorporating advanced technology enhances market competitiveness by producing artistic appeal upon culturally significant objects. This initially promotes Chinese craft culture and could enrich perception in the global cultural landscape.en
dc.publisherSilpakorn University
dc.rightsSilpakorn University
dc.subjectBlending; Experimental; Lacquer Art; Ceramicsen
dc.subject.classificationArts and Humanitiesen
dc.subject.classificationArts, entertainment and recreationen
dc.titleBlending and Experimental Study of Lacquer Ceramics Art en
dc.contributor.coadvisorPensiri Chartniyomen
dc.contributor.coadvisorเพ็ญสิริ ชาตินิยมth
dc.description.degreenameDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)en
dc.description.degreenameปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต (ปร.ด.)th
dc.description.degreelevelDoctoral Degreeen
Appears in Collections:Decorative Arts

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