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dc.contributorXu YANen
dc.contributorXu YANth
dc.contributor.advisorWatanapun Krutasaenen
dc.contributor.advisorวัฒนพันธุ์ ครุฑะเสนth
dc.contributor.otherSilpakorn Universityen
dc.description.abstractThis study took a multidimensional approach to preserving and revitalizing the rich cultural heritage contained in "Wumesiben Mama", a Manchu epic. This antiquated narrative by Fu Yuguang is not only a repository of Manchu history and customs but also an invaluable resource for understanding the lesser-known facets of this distinctive culture. This research aimed to bridge the gap between the past and present, as the Manchu language and culture are threatened with extinction. The research methodology consisted of five distinct stages, each of which explored novel ways to resurrect and represent the narrative of the epic. In the beginning, textual data provides detailed descriptions of characters, clothing, and storylines. However, it became evident that conventional artistic techniques, such as sketching, are insufficient to effectively convey the epic's complex narrative. In response to these obstacles, the study investigated alternative creative avenues, such as collage art and woodcut prints in black and white. Expert opinions were solicited to enhance artistic style and representation, shedding light on the need for innovation and adaptation in preserving ancient narratives. In the final phase, a semi-artificial intelligence approach was used to generate visual content, resulting in sixteen digital artworks designed specifically for visual storytelling. This method of effectively communicating the epic's narrative content had been unanimously validated by expert opinion. This was an important milestone in the research, as it demonstrated the potential of AI-driven visual representation for reviving endangered cultural legacies. Moreover, audience satisfaction was an essential aspect of this study. The effectiveness of the exhibition's visual style and narrative content was determined by administering a comprehensive questionnaire to exhibition attendees. The majority of participants (75%) were satisfied with the exhibition, validating the importance of AI-driven visual representation in preserving and promoting intangible cultural heritage. This study makes significant contributions to the fields of cultural preservation and the revitalization of heritage. Firstly, this showcases the capacity of AI technology to revive and depict ancient narratives in a visually captivating manner, effectively bridging the divide between conventional and modern artistic mediums. The success of this strategy demonstrates its viability for revitalizing other imperiled cultural narratives. Second, the study highlights the significance of expert opinions in the adaptation and innovation processes. Collaboration with experts not only improves the narrative's artistic quality but also ensures its cultural authenticity. The research concludes by emphasizing the importance of audience satisfaction in heritage preservation efforts. Positive feedback from exhibition attendees serves as a valuable indicator of the public's interest in and engagement with intangible cultural heritage. This study concludes with a multifaceted strategy for preserving and reviving endangered cultural narratives, as seen in the Manchu epic "Wumsiben Mama." This research demonstrates the potential for preserving and promoting cultural heritage in an ever-changing world by integrating textual data, artistic innovation, expert opinions, and AI-driven visual representation.en
dc.publisherSilpakorn University
dc.rightsSilpakorn University
dc.subjectManchu epicen
dc.subjectCultural preservationen
dc.subjectVisual representationen
dc.subjectArtificial intelligenceen
dc.subjectIntangible cultural heritageen
dc.subject.classificationArts and Humanitiesen
dc.subject.classificationArts, entertainment and recreationen
dc.titleSemi-Artificial Intelligence Approach to Resurrect "Wumesiben Mama"—the Manchu Epicen
dc.titleSemi-Artificial Intelligence Approach to Resurrect "Wumesiben Mama"—the Manchu Epicth
dc.contributor.coadvisorWatanapun Krutasaenen
dc.contributor.coadvisorวัฒนพันธุ์ ครุฑะเสนth
dc.description.degreenameDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)en
dc.description.degreenameปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต (ปร.ด.)th
dc.description.degreelevelDoctoral Degreeen
Appears in Collections:Decorative Arts

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